
Certification of your product or company often creates an extra value for your business. But which matters should be right? What does the manual say? Which things are important for the actual auditor at certification? DLVge supports you with (full) mentoring during the certification procedure, internal audits, updating the manual and clear reporting.

  • GlobalGAP
  • MPS Socially Qualified
  • Planetproof

Maximum construction, minimum rules

Anyone about to build, renovate, demolish or change something about their business operations often requires an environmental permit, or a water permit if they want to surround or close off locks, as well as a permit for driveways or exits, constructing a container field, for a parking area or for a forecourt. But are these really necessary, and if so, are they feasible? We can help you to find out. This involves reviewing the building order, the general policing regulations and the prevailing zoning plan. By interpreting these rules properly, you can build as much as possible using a minimum amount of rules. This means practical and clear support for obtaining the permits required – after all, applying for a permit is complex enough already!

Activities Decree Notification and environmental permit

Greenhouse constructions companies must meet a range of environmental regulations. This sometimes requires an environmental permit, but generally, an Activities Decree Notification or Melding Activiteitenbesluit suffices. This applies to the soil quality, the discharge of waste water, emissions, use of GMOs, and much more. With years of experience and plenty of up-to-date expertise, our advisors are on hand to assist you. By properly preparing you for and guiding you through the application process and by advising you on which permits are necessary or have to be looked up, you will be able to comply with the environmental rules without compromising your business.

Site planning; several options for your business

The zoning plan, spatial planning and the municipality’s structural vision have a huge influence on your business. The zoning plan will be reassessed once every 10 years. This is the perfect time for you to exert an influence so as to create space for the future. With a wealth of knowledge and experience in area development, we are easily able to assess your options. If necessary, we can handle public participation comments, points of view and objections.

Partial review or revision plan

If your construction plans do not fall within the zoning plan, a partial review or revision plan may help to make things possible. If powers of amendment are included in the zoning plan and the municipality has already approved them, only a spatial explanation is required. More needs to be done in the event of a partial review, which is why it is known as a ‘postage stamp zoning plan’. At DLVge, you will find advisors with outstanding experience in this field, who are ready and waiting to collate your responses and provide you with proper support during the process.

Activities Decree Notification customised regulations

The Activities Decree Notification includes general rules for environmentally harmful activities. It is sometimes not possible to set up rules that will be reasonable in all cases, and for this reason, the Activities Decree Notification includes the option to deviate from the general rules with customised regulations such as the prescribed irrigation water supply, brine discharge (reverse osmosis system) or the recirculation of drainage water. DLVge can set up and support you throughout this customised regulation process.

Heat and cold storage

Heat and cold storage is another name for an open soil energy system. In most cases, a water permit is required for open soil energy systems in order to drain groundwater. DLVge advisors have plenty of experience in this field.

Financial perks with the Groen Label Kas (GLK)

The GLK scheme is a government incentive for entrepreneurs in greenhouse horticulture. By opting for environmentally friendly construction, investments and an approach, you may qualify for tax benefits. In order to gain these benefits, you must meet the basic requirements and collect enough points on specific areas. Energy certification is also required. Our advisors also have a high level of experience in GLK regulations and can work with you to determine whether and how you can reap these benefits.

Our specialists

Contact one of our specialists.

Arjan van Antwerpen

Managing Director / Specialist
Energy, Heating installations

Anoeska Moens

Licenses (NL)

Sandy van Ruijven

Environment, Certification